Ditch outdated MQLs and embrace the future with engagement scores, journey analytics, and revenue attribution to turbocharge your B2B marketing!

In the vibrant world of B2B marketing, leaning on Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) as the be-all and end-all for measuring success is like using a flip phone to tweet – it’s just not cutting it anymore. The MQL has been the favorite yardstick for measuring marketing’s effectiveness, but let’s face it, a single metric can’t possibly capture the full picture of today’s complex buyer journeys. So, what are the new rulers in the marketing toolkit? Let’s dive in!

1. Engagement Scoring: The New Cool Kid on the Block

Picture this: instead of just counting who’s raising their hand (hey there, MQLs), you’re now keeping tabs on how often they wave, how energetically they’re doing it, and if they’re also tapping their feet to your brand’s rhythm. This is engagement scoring – a nuanced approach that looks at the depth and breadth of a prospect’s interaction with your brand. Track the time spent on your website, webinar attendance, content downloads, and social media interaction. The more they engage, the hotter the lead – simple as that.

2. Customer Journey Analytics: Mapping the Marketing Safari

Embarking on the B2B buyer’s journey can be akin to a safari. It’s wild, unpredictable, and you need more than just a compass. Customer journey analytics are your GPS here. By using this approach, you’re looking beyond leads and focusing on the path they travel. Which touchpoints are they interacting with? What’s convincing them to move forward? This method helps you understand and enhance the buyer’s journey, turning tire-kickers into buyers.

3. Account Influence: Peering Into the Crystal Ball

Now, let’s talk about the wizardry of account influence. It’s not just about individual leads anymore; it’s about accounts as markets unto themselves. This metric measures your marketing’s influence on an account level, watching for increased engagement or pipeline acceleration across the entire account. If your marketing spells are working, you’ll see a ripple effect of engagement, from the intern to the C-suite.

4. Pipeline Velocity: Measuring the Marketing Winds

Sailors of the sea know the importance of a good tailwind; it’s all about how fast you get from A to B. Pipeline velocity applies the same concept to your sales pipeline. It’s about how quickly leads are moving through your sales cycle. Are your marketing efforts speeding things up or is it more of a leisurely cruise? Faster movement means your content is hitting home and propelling leads to sales readiness.

5. Revenue Attribution: Show Me the Money!

At the end of the day, the true north of any business activity is revenue. Revenue attribution ties marketing activities directly to the dollars they bring in. By tracking this, you’re connecting the dots between what you’re putting out there and what’s ringing the cash register. It’s a clear indicator of what’s working and what’s just making noise.

As we kick the MQL habit, these alternative metrics offer a 360-degree view of marketing’s impact. They give us a richer, fuller story of how our efforts are resonating with our audience.

So, while MQLs had a good run, it’s time to embrace these new metrics like you’d embrace a long-lost friend. With engagement scoring, customer journey analytics, account influence, pipeline velocity, and revenue attribution in your corner, you’re not just counting leads – you’re making your marketing count. And isn’t that what it’s all about?

Mamby Pamby

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